At I.A. Lewis, we use a different grading system than the elementary schools you came from. We are no longer using number grades (1, 2, 3, or 4), but A, B, C, D, and F. Below is the grading scale that you will use until you graduate high school:
A: 100-93
B: 92-85
C: 84-75
D: 74-67
F: 66 and below

Terrific RAMS Spotlight
Each week we will draw several students who have been nominated as Terrific RAMS by our staff members. All our students are special, but we especially want to recognize those students who have gone above and beyond to meet our core values: Responsible, Approachable, Motivated, and Successful.

Responsible. Approachable. Motivated. Successful.
The Lincoln Parish School System strives to provide a safe, positive learning climate in the schools. Therefore, it shall be the policy of the schools to maintain a school climate in which dating violence is not tolerated and to promptly address dating violence when it is reported or observed.